Celebrating Love & Aloha

February is here and love is definitely in the air. I hope you're feeling it! It's been fun to hear guests talk about finding the right Valentine gift at the gallery. Art is such a wonderful vessel for memories.
Hosting monthly Collectors Receptions is one of my favorite things to do (we make such special memories at each event)--so I figured our featured artist for February would be my love, Timothy Allan Shafto. His latest mixed-media works are now up and I hope you'll join us next Saturday for our reception. He's my muse in so many ways and I'm deeply grateful for his support as I work to share not only his works, but the works of so many other wonderfully talented, local artists with you. 
Then a few days later we're having another wonderful reception at Henderson Design Group for Christian Enns. He has a wide variety of sizes and styles featuring Hawaii's amazing landscape and Henderson's is such a great place to experience it in a home-like setting--full of inspiration and possibilities. 

You're Invited
February 10 | 5 - 7 pm
Collectors Reception at the Gallery
featuring Timothy Allan Shafto (my Valentine) and his wide array of mixed-media work.
And at 6 pm, we'll be doing an informal talk story with Tim, hearing the evolution behind his latest works. Please RSVP today--or by Feb. 8th at the latest.

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