Full of Gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches, I send a heartfelt thank you for your appreciation of art and beauty. You make such a difference for our creative community and helping you connect with art you love brings me so much joy. 

Witnessing the smile on your face as you discover just the right pieces for your home is something I treasure. 

For a bit of beauty in your inbox, here are some new creations and our Forest Bathing show is now up at Hualalai Realty.

From realism to abstraction, you can feel the forest surround you—the call of the birds and the dappled light through the leaves. Relax, unwind, and take in the beauty of nature as documented and created by Hawaii’s master artists. 

There's even a virtual show for those of you who are unable to make it to experience it in person. Hope you enjoy!

Wishing you a holiday season full of making special memories with family and friends! Looking forward to seeing you again when the time is right! 

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