Introducing Catherine di Napoli

Spring always feels like a time of transition and renewal. Color emerges. Daylight savings time kicks in for our mainland friends.

It's hard to believe it has been a year since I last hosted a Collectors Reception. You know I love physically introducing you to new artists, so of course we're continuing to do so in new and improved ways!

This month I'm delighted to introduce you to Catherine di Napoli  and her striking new, large scale, abstract works. Catherine and her family moved to Hawaii from the San Francisco Bay Area and it's been amazing to watch how the colors and feel of Hawaii have deeply influenced her work. This place certainly has a way about it!

You can experience more of her work in person at the Westin Hapuna Beach Resort or schedule a visit to my private art oasis.

There are some more wonderful projects in the works, and new artworks recently added to the website. Take a moment to check it out. I'd love to hear what you think of placing the art to scale on your walls directly from the website.

Mahalo again for your business and appreciation of Hawaii's master artists. Please stay well and we look forward to sharing our new art experiences with you when the time is right.

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