New Works. New Expressions of Joy

You've been missed.

I have missed those special visits when you'd wander into the gallery and I'd get to watch your face light up and smile as you discovered art that spoke to you. 

But since the world has changed, I'm working on new ways to create those moments for you.

To start, new works from Carol Bennett and Jonathan Swanz have been added to the website. Plus, Patrice Federspiel is offering another fabulous watercolor class and the talented Melissa Chimera has some great news (see below). 

Soon there will be more virtual curated exhibits and new artists to discover. I love the idea of creating spaces that will continue to help you discover art you love from the safety and comfort of your home. Of course, I am available to schedule an appointment to see you at our new, private art oasis when the time is right. 

In the meantime, please stay well. I look forward to helping you collect new works that will enhance your ideal living space. 

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